
买世界杯app推荐 recognizes the importance of encouraging and helping students with disabilities reach their full potential.

学生 with disabilities must often overcome a variety of obstacles to achieve their educational and career goals. 买世界杯app推荐 believes all students should have equal access to higher education. Disability Services provide accommodations and services that are individualized and appropriate for students with documented disabilities.

学生 who have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities may be served by Disability Services. 为此目的, 买世界杯app推荐 ensures college access to students with documented disabilities as required by the Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the 1990 Americans with Disability Act and its amendments. These laws guarantee that qualified students with disabilities have equal access to the physical facilities at 买世界杯app推荐 and to educational programs. Major life activities include the ability to perform certain functions such as self-care, 走, 看到, 听力, 说话, 呼吸, 学习与工作. 这种残疾可能是永久性的,也可能是暂时性的. We are dedicated to assisting students by offering a number of resources accessible to all students, 尽管有其局限性.

Ms. 卡丽莎·戴维斯·赖特
残疾人服务协调员- ada /504协调员

(706) 771-4067

(706) 771-4067



学生 who have physical or emotional disabilities or learning challenges may benefit from reasonable accommodations and/or assistive technology in the classroom. 要求住宿, 设备, or other services students must provide current professional documentation describing the disability and appropriate accommodations. 残疾可以是暂时的或永久性的损害,包括: